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---## TWiki Upgrade Notes for Version 01 May 2000 If you are coming from a version earlier than the 01 May 2000 production release, please see TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 first. For the latest version read TWikiUpgradeGuide. The 01 Dec 2000 release has these changes that affect the upgrade of the 01 May 2000 version: * Improved search, i.e. search multiple webs. * The =changes= script has been retired (related to new search). * Reorganization of topics: The TWiki.Main web was split up into TWiki.Main and TWiki.TWiki web. This upgrade is somewhat more labor intensive, mainly caused by splitting up the TWiki.Main web. Please note that subsequent updates will be much easier because user related topics (in TWiki.Main web) and TWiki related documents (in TWiki.TWiki web) have been separated. These are the steps you need to perform to upgrade the 01 May 2000 version to the 01 Dec 2000 release: [ We assume =export TWIKIROOT=/some/dir/= ] * __Backup__ all existing TWiki directories ( =bin=, =pub=, =data=, =templates= ) * __Unpack the zip file__ into some working directory: <br> =mkdir -p ~/tmp/= <br> =cd ~/tmp= <br> =unzip ~/ * __Upgrade the TWiki document files__ ( =twiki= ) * Move the document files to your TWiki root, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/TWiki*.html $TWIKIROOT= <br> =mv ~/tmp/readme.txt $TWIKIROOT= * __Upgrade cgi-bin scripts__ ( =twiki/bin= ) * Rename your original =twiki/bin= directory, i.e. <br> =mv $TWIKIROOT/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin.old= * Move the new scripts to your original =twiki/bin= location, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/bin $TWIKIROOT/bin= * Merge the changes in your current into the new We suggest using =diff -c= to compare the two files if you have made heavy changes to the file, i.e. <br> =diff -c $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/ $TWIKIROOT/bin/ | less= * Restore any additional scripts you might have from the old directory, i.e. <br> =mv $TWIKIROOT/bin.old/somescript $TWIKIROOT/bin/= <br> (Note that the =changes= script is obsolete.) * In case you have basic authentication: * The =TWikiRegistration= topic moved from the TWiki.Main web to the TWiki.TWiki web. Change =.htaccess= to reflect the new location, i.e. <br> =ErrorDocument 401 /cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration= * Pay attention to the file and directory permissions (security issue) * Test your TWiki installation if you can view topics. (Ignore the =%<nop>HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW%= you see on top of the topic; this will disappear after upgrading the template files. * __Upgrade template files__ ( =twiki/templates= ) * Rename your original =twiki/templates= directory, i.e. <br> =mv $TWIKIROOT/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates.old= * Move the new templates to your original =twiki/templates= location, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/templates $TWIKIROOT/templates= * Merge the changes in your current template files into the new template files. To compare two files use <br> =diff -c $TWIKIROOT/templates.old/view.tmpl $TWIKIROOT/templates/view.tmpl | less= * Restore any additional template subdirectories of your TWiki webs you might have and merge the changes. * Test your TWiki installation if you can view topics. * __Upgrade public files__ ( =twiki/pub= ) * Move the new =twiki/pub/TWiki= directory to your installation, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/pub/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/pub/= * Pay attention to the file permissions of the =TWiki= directory and its subdirectory and files. The files must be writable by the cgi-scripts (usually user "nobody") * Move the new =twiki/pub/twikilogo*= image files to your installation, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/pub/twikilogo* $TWIKIROOT/pub/= * __Upgrade data files__ ( =twiki/data= ) * Move the new =twiki/data/TWiki= directory to your installation, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/data/TWiki $TWIKIROOT/data/= <br> Pay attention to the file permissions of the =TWiki= directory and its files. The files must be writable by the cgi-scripts (usually user "nobody") * Optionally move the new =twiki/data/Test= directory to your installation, i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/data/Test $TWIKIROOT/data/= <br> (Pay attention to the file permissions) * Move these new TWiki.Main web topics to your TWiki.Main web: =TWikiGroups=, =TWikiAdminGroup=, and if needed also =OfficeLocations= , i.e. <br> =mv ~/tmp/data/Main/TWikiGroups.* $TWIKIROOT/data/Main= <br> (Pay attention to the file permissions) * The following topics in the TWiki.Main web are obsolete and can be deleted: =BillClinton=, =GoodStyle=, =RegularExpression=, =TextFormattingFAQ=, =TextFormattingRules=, =ManagingWebs=, =TWikiCategoryTable=, =TWikiEnhancementRequests=, =TWikiImplementationNotes=, =TWikiInstallationGuide=, =WebNotification=, =TWikiPlannedFeatures=, =TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000=, =TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername=, =TWikiSite=, =WelcomeGuest=, =WelcomeVisitor=, =WikiName=, =WikiNotation=, =WikiTopic=, =WikiWikiClones=. Sample delete command: <br> =rm -f $TWIKIROOT/data/Main/BillClinton.*= * The following topics are new and most be copied to all of your TWiki webs: =WebChanges=, =WebIndex=. <br> =cp -p $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/WebChanges.txt* $TWIKIROOT/data/Main= <br> =cp -p $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/WebIndex.txt* $TWIKIROOT/data/Main= <br> Repeat this for all your webs. Pay attention to the file permissions. * =TWikiRegistration= moved from TWiki.Main to TWiki.TWiki. In case you customized =TWikiRegistration= , merge your changes back into =TWiki.TWikiRegistration= , then delete =$TWIKIROOT/data/Main/TWikiRegistration*=. * =TWikiPreferences= moved from TWiki.Main to TWiki.TWiki. Merge your changes to =TWikiPreferences= into =TWiki.TWikiPreferences=. * Modify the =WebPreferences= topics in all your webs to reflect the following: * =WEBTOPICLIST= should use =WebChanges= for ="Changes"=, and =WebIndex= for ="Index"=, i.e. <br> =| <a href="WebChanges">Changes</a>= <br> =| <a href="WebIndex">Index</a>= * In case you want to exclude a web from a =web="all"= search: Set this new preference <br> =Set NOSEARCHALL = on= * The =WebSearch= topic has considerable changes. Copy the one from =TWiki.TWiki= into all webs, or merge them if you made changes. To copy, do an edit-copy-edit-paste operation. * Change the =WebHome= topics in all your webs to reflect these changes: 1. The "Changes" link should point to =WebChanges=. 2. The "Topic index" link should point to =WebIndex=. 3. Change the include of the web table to =%<nop>INCLUDE{"%<nop>TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%= * Merge your =TWikiWebsTable= topic in TWiki.Main with the =TWikiWebsTable= topic in TWiki.TWiki. Note the new variable to query the color of a web. Delete the old =TWikiWebsTable= topic in TWiki.Main after merge is complete. * The following topics in the TWiki.Main web are deprecated (because they moved to TWiki.TWiki), but still need to be present in TWiki.Main because of existing links to them: =FileAttachment=, =TWikiDocumentation=, =TWikiHistory=, =TWikiPreferences=, =TWikiVariables=. <br> It is recommended that you edit these topics in TWiki.Main and replace the content with this line: <br> =This topic moved to %<nop>TWIKIWEB%.%<nop>TOPIC% in the %<nop>WIKITOOLNAME%.%<nop>TWIKIWEB% web.= * In all your webs, change references to topics that moved to the TWiki.TWiki web: * Change topics: =TWikiUsers= , =WebNotify= , =WebHome= * With links to: =TWikiPreferences= , =TWikiVariables= , =TWikiUsers= , =TWikiWebsTable= and =WelcomeGuest= * __TWiki Access Control__ * Read TWikiAccessControl, in case you want to use the new authorization feature based on groups. * __Known Issues__ * Check for known issues of TWiki 01 Dec 2000 (production release) -- Trash.PeterThoeny - 08 Nov 2000 <br>