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TWiki > TWikiFAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About TWiki

This is a real FAQ, and also a demo of one easily implemented knowledge base solution. See how it's done, click [Edit].

Topics in TWiki web: Changed: (now 03:19) Changed by:

DeleteOrRenameATopic 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.7 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: How do I delete or rename a topic? Answer: These two questions are answered together because often when you think you want to delete a page, more often it makes ...
DeleteOrRenameAnAttachment 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.2 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: How do I delete or rename a file attachment? Answer: You can move and delete attachments directly from your browser. Moving lets you transfer an attachment from ...
EditDoesNotIncreaseTheRevision 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.3 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: Why does the topic revision not increase when I edit a topic? Answer: The same topic revision will be used when you save a topic again within a certain time ...
GnuGeneralPublicLicense 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.4 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: TWiki has a GPL (GNU General Public License). What is GPL? Answer: TWiki is distributed under the GNU General Public License, see TWikiDownload. GPL is one of ...
HowToLogOff 15 Apr 2003 - 05:54 - NEW PeterThoeny?
FAQ: How do you log off? Suppose I log in with the guest username but later I want to use another username, how do I log off from the guest user name? Answer: To ...
SearchDoesNotWork 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.4 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: I've problems with the WebSearch. There is no Search Result on any inquiry. By clicking the Index topic it's the same problem. Answer: That is an indication ...
SimultaneousEdits 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.4 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: What happens if two of us try to edit the same topic simultaneously? Answer: The second person gets a warning that the topic is currently being edited by another ...
TWikiDownload 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.4 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: I would like to install TWiki on my server. Can I get the source? Answer: TWiki is distributed under the GnuGeneralPublicLicense. You can get the source from ...
WhatIsWikiWiki 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.5 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: So what is this WikiWiki thing exactly? Answer: A set of pages of information that are open and free for anyone to edit as they wish. They are stored in a server ...
WikiCulture 27 May 2018 - 16:59 - r1.10 ImmoMuellerDeVries
FAQ: Everybody can edit any page, this is scary. Doesn't that lead to chaos? Answer: TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones, the first one was built by Ward Cunningham ...

NOTE: The most recent version of this FAQ is at TWiki:TWiki/TWikiFAQ.

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-- TWiki:Trash.PeterThoeny - 26 Nov 2000
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 13 Sep 2001