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TWiki > PreviewBackground
Background Image for Preview

Preview looks like the real page, but the links leed to an oops dialog warning users of not yet saved topics. In addition, a background with a "PREVIEW" watermark is shown to have visual clue that you are previewing a topic. You can change the background image by specifying the name of an attached background image file in the PREVIEWBGIMAGE variable in the TWikiPreferences.


  • You also could attach a new image file to this topic.
  • You can override the PREVIEWBGIMAGE preference variable in your personal home page.

-- TWiki:Trash.PeterThoeny - 02 Oct 2000

Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
blankltgraybg.gif manage 0.9 K 03 Oct 2000 - 00:48 PeterThoeny? Blank white background
blankwhitebg.gif manage 0.9 K 03 Oct 2000 - 00:48 PeterThoeny? Blank white background
previewbg.gif manage 1.8 K 03 Oct 2000 - 00:46 PeterThoeny? Slanted PREVIEW watermark
preview2bg.gif manage 1.8 K 25 Aug 2002 - 07:04 PeterThoeny? Slanted PREVIEW, 3D