Note: This topic is included by TWikiVariables

ATTACHURL -- full URL for attachments in the current topic

ATTACHURLPATH -- path of the attachment URL of the current topic

BASETOPIC -- base topic where an INCLUDE started

BASEWEB -- base web where an INCLUDE started

DISPLAYTIME -- display time

DISPLAYTIME{"format"} -- formatted display time

ENCODE{"string"} -- encodes a string

FORMFIELD{"format"} -- renders a field in the form attached to some topic

GMTIME -- GM time

GMTIME{"format"} -- formatted GM time

HOMETOPIC -- home topic in each web

HTTP_HOST -- environment variable

ICON{"type"} -- small icon of common attachment types

INCLUDE{"page"} -- include other topics or web pages

INCLUDINGTOPIC -- name of topic that includes current topic

INCLUDINGWEB -- web that includes current topic

MAINWEB -- name of Main web

METASEARCH -- special search of meta data

-- TWiki:Trash.PeterThoeny - 14 Aug 2004