Classic Skin

The classic TWiki skin is a bare bone and functional skin, supporting any browser, and has a minimum of graphics

This is not really a skin. It is the set of default templates, shown if no skin is activated. The default templates are part of every TWiki distribution.

Skin Info

Description: The classic TWiki skin, bare bone and functional, for any browser, with a minimum of graphics
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: classic
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
Skin Version: 25 Jul 2004 (v1.000)
Change History:  
25 Jul 2004: Initial version (v1.000)
Skin Home:

Note: The Description, Screenshot and Base Name rows are needed by the TWikiSkinBrowser

Related topic: TWikiSkins, TWikiSkinBrowser

-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 25 Jul 2004